Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Trade in the Commonwealth


Brendan Vickers, Commonwealth Secretariat; Salamat Ali, Commonwealth Secretariat; Collin Zhuawu, Commonwealth Secretariat; Andrea Zimmermann, Food and Agriculture Organization; Husam Attaallah, Food and Agriculture Organization; Edona Dervisholli, Food and Agriculture Organization


This paper explores the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on trade in food products in Commonwealth countries. Firstly, it provides an overview of agricultural and food trade of Commonwealth member countries and identifies potential vulnerabilities to trade disruptions. It then identifies the immediate impacts of the pandemic on trade. Thereafter, it outlines policy initiatives different Commonwealth countries have adopted to ensure adequate supplies of food and access to food by their populations. In conclusion, it recommends measures Commonwealth countries could take to maintain trade flows in agriculture and food products and to build resilience to protect against future crises.


  • ITWP_2020_15
ITWP 2020/15 cover



15 December 2020