Sustainable Economic Recovery after COVID-19: Committing to International Co-operation, Trade and Investment


Markus Gehring
Freedom-Kai Phillips
Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger


The global pandemic caused by COVID-19 has initiated economic and social disruptions at an unprecedented scale. As we prepare to rebuild our economic engines in a post-pandemic world, we have an opportunity to revisit our approaches to enable alignment with international climate change and sustainable development priorities. This report investigates how existing international legal and governance frameworks can guide state action to ensure that post-pandemic recovery trajectories are aligned with global efforts towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It sheds light on the opportunities to leverage existing commitments enshrined in trade and investment agreements, derives key learnings from the good practices of Commonwealth countries, and outlines how key SDGs can be incorporated into international initiatives and trade and investment instruments to support post-pandemic economic stimulus.

ITWP 2021/09 cover



2 August 2021

Online ISSN
