Post-MC11 Trade Agenda for the Least Developed Countries


Debapriya Bhattacharya
Mustafizur Rahman
Anika Muzib Suchi


Drawing on the negotiations and other developments that transpired in the run up to MC11 and thereafter, the paper underlines four core directions to be considered while giving shape to a revamped LDC agenda. First, the de facto dissolution of the DDA entails that LDCs pick the issues from the Doha Agenda with the most potential, such as sectoral issues. Second, the LDC group should strategically remain engaged with the new issues, particularly in negotiations on fishery subsidies and e-commerce. Third, as regards governance and structural issues, LDCs need to marshal their strength against any attempt to weaken the dispute settlement system, and need to take a strategic approach to find a balance between Doha Round negotiations and plurilateral discussions. Finally, the LDCs should strengthen Aid for Trade inputs to ensure their smooth and sustainable graduation out of the LDC group.



27 November 2018

Online ISSN
