Gender, Peace and Security: Women's Advocacy and Conflict Resolution
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 recognises both war’s adverse effects on women and women’s important contributions to peace and security. Yet despite the resolution being passed unanimously over a decade ago, women are still generally underrepresented in formal peace negotiations and to date only 33 countries worldwide – and only 5 in the Commonwealth – have approved National Action Plans (NAPs) to implement the resolution.
Gender, Peace and Security examines women’s role in both conflict and post-conflict reconciliation. It describes how UNSCR 1325 provides support for women in peace-building processes and provides case studies of how it has been implemented in selected countries, including the benefits of NAPs and women’s involvement in their adoption. Essential reading for Ministers and senior officials looking to develop NAPs, or anyone with an interest in the role of women in international affairs.
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Women, Conflict and UNSCR 1325
Women's Peace-building Efforts across the Commonwealth
Women and National Action Plans (NAPs)
Peace and Conflict in the Commonwealth
Annex: United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325


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