Evaluation of the Commonwealth Secretariat's Strategic Plan 2017/18 - 2020/21


Commonwealth Secretariat


The Strategy, Portfolio, Partnerships and Digital Division (SPPDD) of the Commonwealth Secretariat commissioned this independent evaluation of the Commonwealth Secretariat’s current Strategic Plan 2017/18–2020/21 with the main purpose of contributing valuable insights to the development of the next Strategic Plan 2021/22–2024/25. To ensure it could meet this purpose, despite significant delays and constraints, the evaluation was reframed post-inception to take an explicit forward-looking lens.
The evaluation questions listed in the inception report were reframed to become forward looking and learning focused, organised around five dimensions or areas of change identified through the mapping and clustering of recurrent findings from strategy evaluations and reviews conducted in the past 15 years: (1) strategic focus and synergy; (2) strategic leveraging of core assets and mandate; (3) strategic resourcing and budgeting; (4) strategic evaluation and learning; and (5) effective organisation.



8 November 2022